Equine Treatment Microcurrent Electrotherapy Device - Equicurrent Equine Treatment Microcurrent Electrotherapy Device - Equicurrent Equine Treatment Microcurrent Electrotherapy Device - Equicurrent Equine Treatment Microcurrent Electrotherapy Device - Equicurrent
Equine Treatment With Microcurrent Therapy
The Switch Cont.....

The ATP provides the energy for the movement of metabolites and metabolic waste across the cell membranes as well as the re-establishment of cellular bio-electronic ionic concentration gradient. What this means is that nerve cell membrane potentials, which normally are about -85 milli Volts in healthy tissue, are re established by microcurrent stimulation. Levels of intracellular metabolic waste (i.e. Lactic Acid) are reduced and fresh concentrations of usable cellular metabolites are introduced unto the exhausted cell. At this point, the cell can enter its regenerative phase, pain levels are noticeably reduced and tissue regenerative functions can be re-established.

This may be part of the reason that microcurrent appears to be of value in the acceleration of wound healing. A 1985 article that appeared in the Archives of Physical Medicine, reported a 150 to 250% enhancement of wound healing using microcurrent therapy. The limits of microcurrent therapy are yet to be probed. Currently, Dr. Margaret Naesar, associate research professor of neurology at Boston University School of Medicine, is conducting research using a combination of low energy laser and microcurrent for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome. Although her work is in the preliminary stages, the initial results appear to be very promising.

In her recent clinical experience with stroke patients who have only mild hand paresis, she has observed some improvement in had movement and some reduction in spasticity. Dr. Naesar is interested in expanding her research with carpal tunnel syndrome and is currently seeking sources for research funding.

Alternative Medicine, A Definitive Guide, from Future Medicine Publishing, reports that microcurrent can be used for a broad range of conditions including muscle spasms, migraines, TMJ, bursitis, surgical incisions, sprains, strains, neuralgia, Herpes Zoster, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, bruises and even infections. As far as I am aware at this time, the only indications for microcurrent which have cleared the FDA are for the treatment of acute and chronic pain. Possibly the future will bring us an enlarged list of approved indications. The future of electrical stimulation is already written. Devices with currents which more and more closely simulate the body's natural currents will be developed. Each generation will replace the precious one as effectiveness is enhanced by further sophistication. Current will probably be enhanced and combined with light and electro-magnetics to create hybrid devices which combine the benefits of many realms. The ultimate goal is to establish consistent and reproducible communication between the therapist and the body's pain and healing management systems. When this communication has been achieved, the management of pain may be as simple as flipping a switch.

Equine Treatment With Microcurrent Therapy
Equine Treatment With Microcurrent Therapy
Equine Treatment With Microcurrent Therapy
Equine Treatment With Microcurrent Therapy